This Transit Kalculator allows you to look at how the planets in the sky right now are affecting the planets in your own birthchart (or any other chart, for that matter). User Instructions are after the applet and data entry form, while the Help Pages contain links to supplemental information. See the System Requirements section about possible problems.
Sorry, for some reason your browser can't run this applet.

Zodiac Sign Abbreviations

Ar = Aries
Ta = Taurus
Gm = Gemini
Cn = Cancer
Le = Leo
Vi = Virgo
Li = Libra
Sc = Scorpio
Sa = Sagittarius
Cp = Capricorn
Aq = Aquarius
Pi = Pisces

Enter your Chart Data here:




Saved Charts:

Show Minor Aspects

User Instructions:

The Transit Kalculator consists of two parts on this page, an applet that displays your current transits, and a form area for entering your chart. To look at the transits to a given chart for the first time, do the following steps:

  1. Clear out the form for entering chart data by clicking the "Erase" button.
  2. Enter the positions of your planets in "degree-sign-minute" format. The degree-sign-minute notation for zodiac positions, including the 2 letter abbreviations for the zodiac signs, is explained on the Notation, Abbreviations and Stuff page. You can use upper or lower case in the sign abbreviations; "leading zeros" in the degrees or minutes can be omitted. Do not use any spaces.
  3. Type in a name or descriptive label in the "Name" area.
  4. Press the "Show Transits" button to start the applet. It will display the current planetary positions, followed by a list of all the transits (aspects between the current planets and the planets in your birthchart). A complete description of this display is below. The display is updated every 15 seconds and will continue running until you leave this web page (even if you go offline). If any planetary positions appear with a question mark after pressing the button, you mistyped it somehow. Correct the information and press "Show Transits", again.
  5. Optionally, press the "Save Chart" button to save all this information so you won't have to keep typing it each time you visit this web page. Please see Saving your Chart for more details.

If you have previously saved your chart with the "Save Chart" button, you can use the following short-cut method:

  1. Click on the pull-down menu of charts and select your chart. Your saved chart information will be automatically entered into the form.
  2. Press the "Show Transits" button to start the applet.

You can change to a new chart at any time, using either of the above methods.

The "Show Minor Aspects" checkbox, when checked, will display some minor aspects related to the quintile. These aspects are 18, 24, 36, 108 and 144 degrees.

Useful Hints to Avoid Browser Weirdness

Some browsers that should be better behaved have some weird quirks that make this program fail or act funny. The following list of "actions to avoid" is by no means complete, but it contains the most common bugs we found in testing. Your browser may be able to handle these actions, but I don't recommend:

If the program seems to act differently after doing any of these actions, go back to the main Astrology page (hit the brower "Back" button), then click on the link for the Transit Kalculator page to reload it. That usually clears up the problems.

Saving your Chart

Please note: This option of saving your chart(s) as a cookie file doesn't work with many browsers, especially the newer ones. Sorry...

The "Save Chart" button is a quick way to save your chart to be used at a later date. All the chart information you save is stored as a "cookie file" inside your web browser. You may store up to 10 different charts in this way. If you attempt to save more than 10 charts, the oldest ones ("oldest" means the charts not used for the longest period of time) will be dropped from the pull-down menu when you leave the page. Charts will also be dropped if they are older than 90 days, so charts that you aren't using anymore will eventually disappear. If you don't access this web page for 90 days, the entire cookie file will disappear and you will have to enter the charts all over again.

Hint: The last chart in the pull-down menu is the one most likely to disappear on you. Get in the habit of selecting the last chart or two on the menu every few weeks if you don't want them to be erased.

This saved chart information stays in your browser and does not leave your computer.

Description of the Display Area of the Transit Kalculator

The display area contains the following information: the name for the chart you entered; the current time (in Greenwich Mean Time); the current positions of the planets (the "transiting planets"); the transiting aspects between the current planetary positions and the planets in the chart you entered.

The list of transits consists of "phrases" of 3 glyphs. These 3 glyphs describe (in order) the transiting planet, the aspect it makes, and the planet in your natal chart that is being aspected. For instance, means "transiting Venus is trine my natal Moon". Certain aspects (e.g., the conjunction , square or trine) are inherently "stronger" than other aspects, and an aspect that is nearly exact will be stronger than one with a wide orb. The list of transits is ordered by this notion of "strength" as defined by the A5 Spectrum technique. They are also color coded in a rainbow of colors to indicate strength, with the purple end of the rainbow being strongest and the red end the weakest.

A red box around a transit phrase indicates the aspect is within 1 degree of being exact. A gold box denotes an aspect that is exact, with no orb at all. These exact and close aspects are the most important ones to pay attention to.

The current positions are also color coded to show how strong the planet is in the current waveform. You can view the current waveform using the Koz Kalculator.

Helpful Pages to Use with the Transit Kalculator

The following links will bring up related pages in a separate window that may prove useful while playing with the Transit Kalculator. (Just close the new window when you're done.)

System Requirements

This applet "should" run on any "4th generation browser" such as Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0, or later versions. However, support of JavaScript and Java on various computers and browsers varies widely and unpredictably. Nearly everybody seems to experience some unexpected problems, usually minor, but on some platforms the problems are so severe that the program will not run. Please let me know if you experience problems. We are trying to fix these problems as best and quickly as we can.

Privacy and Security Disclaimer

Any information you type into this program will not leave your computer -- I am not covertly collecting any information for any purposes whatsoever. At your discretion, you can save your chart information as a "cookie file" in your browser. This information does not leave your browser and will spontaneously disappear if you do not look at this web page for 90 days. The program does not read, write, look at or otherwise tamper with any other files on your hard-drive. The program does not transfer any information out over the Internet to be saved or used. Your privacy is safe with me.

Known Limitations

The "Save Chart" button fails depressingly often in modern browsers.

Due to limitations of Java 1.0 (one of the languages this program is written in), printing the web page from your browser will probably leave a blank space where the applet lives.

(It appears Windows systems are more forgiving of these restrictions than other systems.)

Feedback -- I'd Like to Hear from You!

If you've got any questions, feedback or comments, please email me at I may not act on all your suggestions, but I do want to hear from people.

If you are reporting a problem with the Transit Kalculator, please include 1) What kind of computer you have, 2) The operating system (e.g., Windows 98, MacOS 8.1, etc.), 3) the kind and version number of your web browser (e.g., Navigator 4.7), and 4) a detailed description of the problem. This will help me track down the problems more easily. Please note that older browsers may not be able to display the applet at all, so you may need to upgrade to a newer version.

On the other hand, newer browsers may change some of the standards I relied on with this applet, sabotaging some of its features. In cases like this, I may not be able to do anything about the bugs.

A program as simplified as the Transit Kalculator obviously has its limitations. My more "industrial strength" versions of these programs are not currently available to the public, but if there is sufficient interest, I may release them in the future. Please note that I will need to charge money for these programs to cover expenses and development costs (which are considerable), so don't expect free software. If you'd like information on these programs when it becomes available, please let me know.