Energy Patterns for April 2014

Major Waveform Patterns:

Apr 1st to the 7th -- more of the late March storm.
Apr 8th to the 12th -- a quieter break in the action.
Apr 13th to the 24th -- the Grand Cross is in full swing!
Apr 25th to the end of the month -- the Cross continues.

An online ephemeris for the month is available. Check Current Transits, too.

It's an interesting question whether to call the backbone of April's storms a T-Square or a Grand Cross. It's the latter term that has caught the attention of most astrological writers (it sounds more dramatic, somehow), but in dynamic terms (how planets move and aspects evolve over time), the role of Mars is as much a trigger planet to the outer planets as it is an integral member of the backbone. So the backbone consists of Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus and Chiron, and sometimes Mars. Pluto is first among equals in this group, primarily because of its retrograde station on the 14th. Notice the 4 tall peaks at 11 to 13 degrees of the cardinal signs in most of these waveforms, a 4th harmonic. This is the mark of the T-Square or Grand Cross. H4 is one of the most difficult frequencies to work with and the planets involved have a dark side sometimes, so we are facing some "interesting" times. I see 4 main energy patterns this month.

Apr 1st to the 7th

The 1st to the 7th is a continuation of the late March storm, strong, but a bit ragged looking. The waveform varies in strength from 337 to 521 units, a wide range of intensity levels from mild to noticeably powerful. The harmonics consist of H4, H24, H12 and H48 -- the mood is on the pushy and irritating side. The points of emphasis are 11-13 (T-Square!), 18 and 27 degrees of each zodiac sign -- see where this hits your own birth chart. Coming off the Mar 30 new moon that is conjunct Uranus, the Sun and Venus are moving through the outer planets in the T-Square, triggering them into action in our lives. Be more aware than usual of the forces around you, the changes that are coming your way, the situations that don't make sense in your current way of imagining the world. Outer planets work on the inner planes first and are most usefully encountered there. If they are ignored to the point where they leak out into the physical world, that's when they take on a more troubling, fateful appearance. The clues and hints you need to follow are often subtle and vague, more a feeling than an idea. See what you can make of this mix. The energies are falling off rapidly by the 7th.

Apr 8th to the 12th

The 8th to the 12th is a jagged looking, noisy transition period, the only significant break in the action all month. The waveform is considerably calmer, in the 338 to 440 unit region. The harmonics include H48, a fat H12 and some H24 -- scattered and unfocused most of the time. The main peaks are 11-14, 6 and 20-21 degrees of each sign. This is probably the only time when the Grand Cross is somewhat silent -- too bad it's such a short period. The current cast of characters are mostly second stringers, Saturn and Neptune. They should be most obvious on the 11th, when they are triggered by the Sun, Mercury and Venus. The conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Pisces, in particular, should give off a dreamy, romantic mood, so set some time aside for "out of the ordinary" activities. No need to waste such an influence on doing the dishes. Then get ready for the next round of energies.

Apr 13th to the 24th

The 13th to the 24th is the big Grand Cross Storm. The waveform varies wildly from 386 (weak) to 576 units (a potent Koz Alert), but the overall effect is one of great intensity. The harmonics are H4 (not too surprisingly), H12, H24 and H48 -- mostly a big struggle, but with some silver linings if you look for them. The peaks are at 12-14 and 28 degrees. Most of the fireworks this month happen during this period. It starts with the Pluto station on the 14th, followed by a lunar eclipse on the 15th. There's often a sense that the world is grinding to a halt when Pluto stands still, that critical issues are reaching a point of no further progress. The energies top off around the 20th and 21st, when all the "big aspects" in the T-Square go off practically simultaneously, so be especially watchful at this time. There are a succession of trigger planets during this period, keeping the storm constantly at the boiling point. Mercury is the early trigger (around the 14th), then Venus (17th to 19th) and finally Mars (22nd to 23rd), completing the Grand Cross. It's hard to generalize about this period, partly because of the intensity of the outer planets and partly because of the constantly shifting way we experience those energies through the various trigger planets. The last half of this period is rougher than the first if you can't channel the energies well -- Mars accentuates the more negative qualities of the outer planets. ("Stay out of dark alleys" around the 23rd.)

On the 20th-21st, the Grand Cross is in full swing as the Moon goes over Pluto and the 3 "big aspects" are going off. Sometime during this intense period, get away from pressing concerns and pay attention to what's going on inside yourself. When the world gets crazy-busy outside, it's all the more important that you remain calm and still within. Most of the real changes are happening in the inner planes, often below the threshold of your awareness unless you make the effort to be still and just listen and observe. Beneath all the frenzied "voices" clamoring for your attention is a quiet whisper of sanity and clarity. Without such a retreat, even if it's only for a few minutes, the chaos of the world takes over. Happy surfing!

Apr 25th to the end of the month

Finally, the 25th to the end of the month is a continuation of the Grand Cross Storm, though the waveform is more chaotic and less connected to daily life. The waveform ranges from a weak 385 units to an overwhelming Koz Quake of 614 on the 29th -- a brief "wow!" to grab our attention. The harmonics are H4, H24, H12 and H48 -- somewhat difficult, but there are some constructive overtones present for the skillful to tap into. The focal areas are 13-14, 7 and 28 degrees of each sign. At first, it looks like the storm might fall apart, but then it changes its mind. The solar eclipse on the 29th would be a critical influence all by itself, but that's only the beginning. Within hours, the Moon and Mercury barrel through the Grand Cross degrees one more time, triggering the Koz Quake into full bloom. This Quake is easily the most powerful waveform of 2014 so far, to put this into perspective. This is probably a great time to take in inspiring ideas that change your outlook completely, but be aware of half-baked notions that sound good initially, but carry little weight in the long run. It helps to sleep on your "aha!" moments before trying to implement them in real life. The energies drop off quickly after the Quake, so early May is a bit calmer (relatively speaking). Whew!