Energy Patterns for June 2012

Major Waveform Patterns:

Jun 1st to the 9th -- a weak and disordered transition.
Jun 10th to the 20th -- a moderately strong H24 storm.
Jun 21st to the 24th -- time for planets to reshuffle.
Jun 25th to the 30th -- the big storm of the month.

An online ephemeris for the month is available. Check Current Transits, too.

The waveforms in June have a tendency to be noisy and disorganized, even during the storm patterns, a symptom that the planets are not working together smoothly much of the time. Further, the harmonics (which mirror the nature of the aspects between planets) are generally on the stressful end of the scale. The upside is that the waveforms rarely are all that powerful, making the challenges easier to handle. There are roughly 4 main energy patterns to consider.

Jun 1st to the 9th

The 1st to the 9th is a weak and scattered transition period. The waveform varies in strength from 304 to 422 units -- not much energy to draw on here. The harmonics include H48, H24 and H6 -- disruptions and surprises keep you from focusing on any task for long. The energies are concentrated at 23-26, 15-17, 7-9 and 1 degree of each zodiac sign -- pretty much scattered all over the place. Despite a number of important astrological events during this period, there's not much of a tailwind for your efforts. The lunar eclipse and the Neptune station on the 4th should stir things up in the long term, although their immediate effect is probably to promote confusion and sap your will power. Take care of the mundane chores, but put off more substantial projects until the energies pick up some.

Jun 10th to the 20th

The 10th to the 20th is a moderately strong, but challenging storm pattern. The waveform is in the 324 to 483 unit range -- mostly quiet, but with a few bursts of intensity. The harmonics are H24, H4, H6 and H48 -- the mood is agitated and difficult. The emphasized regions are 6-9 and 20-23 degrees of each sign. This time is one of the busiest all month, with two of the outer planet squares being triggered into action by Mercury and Venus. Do what you can to harness this energy and put it to good use. However, if you run into speed bumps along the way, step back and look at your situation at a deeper level. You're likely to be overlooking something important, whether by ignorance, confusion or a refusal to face changes. Jupiter moves into Gemini on the 11th, lightening the mood and quickening the pace of life. It also favors work of a light mental nature or casual social connections. Make the most of this time.

Jun 21st to the 24th

The 21st to the 24th is a brief transition time as the faster moving planets rearrange themselves relative to the slower ones. The waveform is moderately strong, 373 to 471 units. The harmonics are mostly H48 and H12 -- still a bit static-y, but starting to mellow out some. The energies are focused at 4-8 and 23-24 degrees of each sign. Despite the weird harmonics, this energy might feel surprisingly good. The Sun is triggering Jupiter and Neptune on the 23rd, two days before their square. The mood can be even better if you're realistic about your situation instead of looking through Neptune's rose colored glasses. Of course, the Uranus-Pluto square on the 24th is the big news item, setting in motion deep evolutionary transformations around the globe. It may take a long time before these shifts reach a level where they can be consciously noticed, but it wouldn't hurt to pay attention to issues that arise now -- you may be seeing a lot more of them in coming months. This period ends abruptly as the next storm kicks in.

Jun 25th to the 30th

The 25th to the end of the month is a loose, but powerful storm pattern. The waveform is in the 407 to 511 unit range -- the strongest energies all month, but not enough to knock your socks off. The harmonics consist of H4, H12, H24 and H48 -- still rough, but also the most positive vibes the entire month. The focal areas are 6-8 and 22 degrees. There's a lot of action in this brief period. Mercury triggers the Jupiter-Neptune square, Saturn and Venus go direct and the Sun forms a T-square with Uranus and Pluto. In short, the slow moving outer planets are extremely active. Get busy and work with these energies, but again, pay attention to the road blocks you run into. The deeper transformations will affect everything you touch sooner or later. This pattern is still going strong as we head into July.