Energy Patterns for March 2005

Major Waveform Patterns:

Mar 1st to the 4th -- more transition energies.
Mar 5th to the 11th -- a Grand Cross storm!
Mar 12th to the 17th -- looking ragged and broken up.
Mar 18th to the 24th -- getting pretty weak and stagnant.
Mar 25th to the end of the month -- it's the big blow of the month!

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

On the bright side, March could have been a lot worse than it appears to be. Despite the towering storm patterns at times, the planets never seem to fully cooperate and work together. Many of the waveforms look very noisy and misshapen, a symptom of the underlying chaos in the sky. I discovered roughly 5 distinct waveform patterns in the A5 Spectrum this month.

Mar 1st to the 4th

The 1st to the 4th is a continuation of the influential transitional energies that we saw at the end of February. The waveform is pretty weak and lifeless, ranging in strength from 353 units to 419. The harmonics include H4, H8, H24, H48 and some H12 -- a complex mixture of frequencies that is decidedly harsh and demanding. The waveforms are concentrating their influence around 6 to 8 and 17 to 20 degrees of each zodiac sign -- check to see if any of your natal planets are in these regions. This is a period best suited for catching your breath and not pushing yourself too hard. There's not much activity right now and most of it is the outer planet variety that usually trips us up. I wouldn't attempt anything demanding these days, since there's just no tail wind available to support your efforts. Lie low a few more days.

The peaks in this waveform hint that something is happening, but it never reaches a "critical mass" and really lets loose until the second week. In fact, there's a planetary pattern forming that includes a Grand Cross and plenty of outer planet action. Part of the Cross is Mars opposite Saturn, two of the roughest planets in the sky in a Mexican standoff. I suppose we can be happy that this waveform isn't more energetic than it is. It's already feeling extremely draining and difficult, like skidding to a halt on asphalt. Consider this the first wakeup call this month -- you can't hit the snooze button much longer.

Mar 5th to the 11th

The 5th to the 11th is a well formed, moderate strength planetary storm. The waveform is considerably stronger now most of the time, ranging from 347 to 489 units, but without reaching overwhelming levels. The harmonics are a simple H12 and H24 pattern -- quite positive and constructive for the most part. Most of the energy is concentrated at 18 to 22 degrees and 5 degrees of each sign. This is a fairly complex energy based on a Grand Cross of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Vesta, with help from the Sun, Uranus and Neptune. Mars opposite Saturn would be difficult all by itself, but the preponderance of outer planet energy adds to the confusion and chaos. Don't try to do everything yourself -- a little outside help can make a big difference. Wrap up old projects in anticipation of the new moon on the 10th.

Mar 12th to the 17th

The 12th to the 17th has some very odd looking waveforms with fat, misshapen peaks. The waveform ranges from 340 to 459 units in strength -- pretty weak and lifeless overall. The harmonics consist of a "fat H12" with a lot of H48 -- it could be much more positive if only the planets were working smoothly together. There's some emphasis around 16 and 24 degrees. There's not much going on for a few days, although the Jupiter-Neptune trine is quite significant. That should put us in a happier mood, or at least in a more escapist frame of mind. The Sun, Mars and Pluto are connected up, which makes us more active and possibly contentious. Put the energy to good use by staying busy and stowing your ego away.

Mar 18th to the 24th

The 18th to the 24th is a mild storm pattern. The waveform is pretty weak, 345 to 447 units. The harmonics are a combination of H24, H12 and H48 -- demanding without being really difficult. There are several wide bands of activity at 14 to 18, 0 to 4 and 26 degrees. We're starting the cascade of planets at their stations, so it may start feeling like life is grinding to a halt. It's a good time to analyze each obstacle as it shows up and figure out how to do things differently. However, given that one of the stationary planets is Mercury, I wouldn't put too much trust in your judgment these days. Check out your options without necessarily committing yourself to one course of action. Give yourself an out.

Mar 25th to the end of the month

Finally, the 25th to the end of the month is the major storm of the month. It starts in low gear but quickly springs into action, with strength values that range from 383 to a respectable 540 (a good sized Koz Alert). The harmonics are a mix of H6, H12, H24 and H48 -- quite helpful, even on the bad days. The energies are focused at 6 to 9 and 23 degrees of each sign. The most active planets these days are the Sun, Mercury and Venus (all in a tight knot in early Aries ), along with Uranus. There's a lot of impatient mental energy in this storm, so you'll want to keep busy and avoid tangling with people. Mere talk will not satisfy you -- you want action! The more you put your energies to good use, the better the results. Take advantage of this storm now. It is dissipating as we head into early April.