Energy Patterns for December 2002

Major Waveform Patterns:

Dec 1st to the 8th -- a ragged, stressful eclipse time.
Dec 9th to the 11th -- gearing up for the big blow.
Dec 12th to the 19th -- the 5th largest planetary storm all year.
Dec 20th to the 24th -- the storm is breaking up.
Dec 25th to the 27th -- a quiet Christmas time.
Dec 28th to the end of the month -- a whiff of new energy.

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

By and large, the waveforms this month are fairly nondescript, indicative of situations where the planets are scattering their influences in all sorts of directions at once. It can be a real drain to deal with so many conflicting influences simultaneously, so you may find your stress levels going way up. The main exception to this pattern is the sizable Koz Alert period from the 12th to the 19th, when a large number of planets start to work together. Many of the big aspects in December go off during this storm, so it could have quite a lasting impact on us. I would tentatively break up the month into 6 separate energy patterns.

Dec 1st to the 8th

The 1st to the 8th is a noisy transition period between the activity of November and the upcoming storm. The energy is rather low-key, ranging from 323 to 456 units of aspect strength -- not much planetary support for our activities at all. The harmonics in the waveform include mostly H48 and what I call a "fat H6" -- generally stressful and ungrounded energy. The waveform is ragged and badly focused in appearance, although there is some emphasis at 18, 23-27 and 6 degrees of each zodiac sign (see where this hits your birthchart). This could be a very rough week, especially given the eclipse energies on the 4th. It's very difficult to focus your efforts during these noisy times, as you keep getting knocked off your center everytime you turn around. Emotions can be very volatile for people, for hidden reasons that no one is aware of. Keep to your everyday routines as much as possible and stay calm.

Dec 9th to the 11th

The 9th to the 11th is the brief warm up act for the major storm -- the transitional energy just past is getting organized into a more coherent pattern. The waveform is still fairly moderate in intensity, only 346 to 424 units. The harmonics are showing a marked shift to H24 and H6 -- much more focused and intense, but mostly stressful and challenging. The main points of emphasis are around 3-6 and 18 degrees now. If I had to point to one planet that's dominating the scene during this period, it would be Pluto. The annual conjunction of Sun and Pluto, on the 9th this year, is frequently a time in which people flip out. The harsher sides of this influence may be softened by a trine from Jupiter, a generally upbeat planet, but Jupiter's tendency to exaggerate and inflate issues could just as easily make things worse. This is a time when you need to be absolutely clear about what motivates you -- chances are you (all of us...) have a big-time blindspot staring back at you. If you simply take it for granted that situations aren't what they seem and proceed slowly from there, you're likely to be in better shape.

Dec 12th to the 19th

The 12th to the 19th is the core of the planetary storm. The waveform increases in intensity quite rapidly, ranging from 387 to a high of 577 units, a commanding Koz Alert. The harmonics consist of H24, H8 and H12 -- difficult and prone to low level conflicts or irritations. The main peaks now are near 8 and 25 degrees -- check your birthchart! This storm is produced by a large number of planets (8 or 9 at a time) working together, though not very constructively. Many of these planets are the slow-moving, unconscious variety, so it's easy to be "possessed" by deeper, impersonal drives that don't make much sense. In addition, this is the time of the year when Galactic Center energies are prominent, which gives situations an ungrounded, but "larger than life" mood. It's a good time to take in influences to mull over and express later. But I wouldn't necessarily make any decisions or take action based on these insights right away. Until these ideas have time to mature, they are apt to be very inappropriate for everyday reality. Approach this powerful time carefully.

Dec 20th to the 24th

By the 20th to the 24th, the storm is beginning to break up. The energy is less intense, roughly 347 to 483 units. The harmonics include H24, H8 and H4, plus some noise -- pretty rough going. The main peaks are at 16 and 27 degrees. As the storm settles down some, life should become a little more normal, particularly after the Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st. Nonetheless, there are still a few "speedbumps" to get through, mostly around the 23rd and 24th, so pace yourself.

Dec 25th to the 27th

The 25th to the 27th is a brief transition period, noisy but a bit more easy going. There's not much energy to play with now, as the waveform is in the 376 to 458 unit region. The harmonics consist of H48, H36, H12 and H4 -- a little smoother than anything we've seen so far. Most of the energy is concentrated at 16-18 degrees. It's pretty quiet now, nothing controversial at all, just the setting for enjoying the Christmas break. Kick back and relax some -- we've been through a lot. Recharge your energies.

Dec 28th to the end of the month

Finally, the 28th to the end of the month shows the barest hints of some coming activity (around Jan 4). The waveform is pretty weak once again, 327 to 428 units -- no "oomph!" here. The harmonics are mostly H12 and H24 -- the energy is slowly becoming more constructive and easy. Most of the action is at 18-20 and 24 degrees. This may actually be the most productive time all month, as long as you don't push yourself too hard. Mars is especially active these days, getting you to roll up your sleeves and get some work done. You probably still need to go easy when other people enter the picture, since the emotional touchiness of recent weeks is in effect yet. Enjoy the brief break in the action! This energy continues into the early days of 2003...