Current Transits for September 2000

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


Pallas enters Libra, 9-2
Jupiter opposite Pluto, 9-4
Saturn Retrograde Station at 0Gm59, 9-12
Ceres enters Scorpio, 9-12
Full Moon at 21Pi18, 9-13
Mars enters Virgo, 9-16
New Moon at 5Li00, 9-27
Jupiter Retrograde Station at 11Gm14, 9-29

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

General Outlook for the Month

The first 3 weeks of September look like one, long lateral drift. The astrological scene looks extremely scattered and disorganized -- there's very little "oomph" or focus to this time. You might be able to get some of the little stuff taken care of, but there's precious little planetary support for anything big or important now. The last 10 days look more upbeat and useful, although even this planetary storm has a tough time getting its act together. Save your important activities for this time period, if possible. All this confusion is because of 2 conflicting groups of planets. One group is based on Jupiter opposite Pluto and Chiron; the other stars a forming Saturn and Neptune trine that first becomes exact next June. As the faster moving planets accent first one group, then the other, then back again, we get tossed around from situation to situation, like a cosmic game of crack-the-whip. With Jupiter and Saturn both standing still this month, this battle of conflicting goals and tendencies is about to become a way of life for a few months, causing us to make some vital shifts in our day-to-day lives. Identify the problem areas as quickly as possible and start focusing on them -- they'll be with you for a time. Above all, pace yourself during this month -- it's easy to overextend yourself.

The only "big aspect" this month is the opposition of Jupiter and Pluto on the 4th. We've been seeing some of the lead-up influences of this one in August already. Saturn stands still on the 12th and Jupiter on the 29th, both preparing to go into reverse motion for 4 months. Mars, Ceres and Pallas all change signs during September.

There are 3 planets that change zodiac signs in September, starting with Pallas moving into Libra on the 2nd. While Pallas is another mental planet, she also has her artistic side which is further emphasized by Libra. It's a good time to focus on the more aesthetic side of things, the parts of life that reflect beauty and harmony. This placement also brings out a love of justice and a desire to help the underdog in any situation. There's a need to value a sense of fairness and even-handedness in relationships, often to the detriment of the emotions and passion. In fact, you can fall into the trap of trying to "manage" relationships smoothly instead of being emotionally involved in them and fully present for the other person. If you are feeling cut off from your partner somehow, that's a symptom of this kind of trap. Pallas will remain in Libra until November 8, when she moves into Scorpio.

Jupiter is directly opposite Pluto for the first time on the 4th. This contact repeats itself on October 13 and May 6 of next year. I find it really interesting that this contact kicks in on Labor Day, the traditional start of the presidential campaign. With Jupiter representing "big money" and Pluto signifying "the hidden powers behind the scenes", the fall contest will undoubtedly be a messy affair. Look for a lot of grandiose image making and spin control, while the powers that be work to buy and manipulate the election and public opinion. (So what's new?) On a more individual level, an opposition like this makes it imperative to balance two conflicting drives or purposes. Jupiter is the need to reach out and expand your boundaries, take in new experiences, make connections with others that are mutually beneficial. That requires, of course, that you learn to "play the game" and act in ways that others can understand and relate to. We are all molded by our culture to become a certain kind of person -- it's the admission price for receiving the benefits of living within your society. At times, the pressure to conform or to bury the "unacceptable" parts of yourself can become quite suffocating. At times like that, Pluto comes along, taps you (oh so insistently!) on the shoulder and tries to remind you who you really are. Face it: our consumer society is pretty superficial and soulless. For people who can still hear the still small voice within themselves, a "normal" life can be very unfulfilling. The urge to follow your path can be strong now, but such a path can be wild, uncivilized at times, beyond the bounds of what's acceptable. We are left to balance these conflicting demands -- how to get along in society and make your outer life prosper, while coming to terms with your inner life. I don't expect any immediate answers now (since this contact continues for 8 months), so for now, just enjoy the questions. The balance point that you're comfortable with now will undoubtedly change in coming months as a new balance enters your life. At best, find some outer world cause or ideal to work for that satisfies your inner needs at the same time. Jupiter-Pluto connections can expand your enthusiasm for such projects tremendously, making the task no burden at all. Be careful when issues of power or control come up (such as in a work setting), since this aspect can bring out a manipulative streak in people. Stick to the high road if you want to avoid nasty repurcussions. Notice that this opposition is triggered by many faster planet contacts during August and September, many of them challenging T-squares. We'll be seeing a lot of this energy.

As I briefly alluded to earlier, the other important "anchor point" for planetary energies in September besides the opposition is the trine of Saturn and Neptune. While this trine isn't exact until June 25 of 2001, it's close enough to being exact to be "in orb" and already affecting our lives. This is an influence that will gently upset many of our ideas about what's real and important for us, prodding us to reevaluate opinions and assumptions that we've been holding onto for too long. It's opening up some new mental vistas for us in the long-term, especially getting us to question how we support ourselves in the world, how we connect with others, and our responsibilities to the world. This contact is being triggered by faster planets often this month, so situations that show us some of these themes will be popping up every few days. Note also that Saturn is standing still this month and Neptune next month, so we are just getting started with these influences.

Saturn is standing still on the 12th at 0Gm59, preparing to go into reverse gear until January 24, 2001, when it returns to normal motion at 24Ta04. Saturn retrograde is probably one of the most unpleasant influences for most people, since it's a time to buckle down and get some demanding tasks out of the way. There's not much room for you to shine personally (although you may receive some recognition after the fact), since many of your actions are pretty mundane now. Some of this work is mental, Gemini's forte, causing us to reassess old assumptions. Much of it is strictly "how do I support myself?" stuff, since Saturn is backing up into practical and earthy Taurus for most of this cycle. In general, this is a great time to get your life in order and make it function effectively, giving you a solid base for the next steps along your path. Look for the areas of your life that just don't seem to work and do something about it. This is not the time to stick your head in the sand and avoid those problems -- Saturn's got a long steel ruler and will be more than happy to whack your hand if you're not measuring up. This may not be a very glamorous time, but the long-term results are worth the effort.

Ceres, the Great Mother, shifts from Libra into Scorpio on the 12th. This placement should counteract some of the more dispassionate themes of that Libra Pallas we just discussed. Scorpio loves (for better or worse) the world of emotions. A Scorpio Ceres is practically fed by passion. In our culture, the feelings are often suppressed or deemed inferior to the intellect, but in my experience, this is an unhealthy inversion. The mental world is ultimately dry and sterile, clever but lifeless. It's the emotions that feed the soul and give meaning and purpose to living. The only danger is in pursuing emotion for emotion's sake, needing to stay high on an intensity of feeling that prevents you from focusing on anything else. Such people are literally addicted to emotion, turning their lives into one long soap opera. There is a healthy middle path here between sterility and being an intensity junkie that allows the life of the soul to flourish naturally. It also causes less wear and tear on your partners, as they have something tangible, yet stable, to relate to. Feed the soul, yes, just avoid the extremes. Ceres moves into Sagittarius on November 22.

This is a hard chart to make sense of, simply because of its lack of a central theme. A Pisces Moon is about feelings and emotions, a sense of oneness and closeness with everything in sight. But that Moon message is put to the test by a number of contradictory tendencies. Foremost, with half the planets in air signs, this chart is heavily tilted towards thinking, not feeling. Thinking can understand oneness at some level, but it doesn't feel it in the bones like a Pisces would. And while the strong Jupiter placement stresses making connections with the outer world (albeit, more superficial Gemini contacts), the equally powerful Pluto-Chiron is drawing us inward into isolation (especially here in the Midwest, where they are in the lonely 12th house). This feels like the typical first stage of a major transformation, namely we've stepped up to the edge of the abyss, looked over the precipice, and decided to back up a bit and think things over. We're examining our relation to the world, particularly the ways we treat other people, but we're not comfortable with the demands on us that a genuine change would require. So let's try a few half-hearted, superficial shifts first and see how that feels. Unfortunately, Pluto-Chiron will never be satisfied with a few cosmetic changes. They are looking for more of a deep-core shift that leaves nothing in its place, affecting our lives quite profoundly. In short, we're making some useful first steps, but that's all they are. In time, as this process continues, more will be expected of us. Don't get complacent now.

Mars moves from Leo into Virgo on the 16th for a 6 week stay. After the fiery, rambunctious Leo show, Mars in Virgo can feel like a letdown. The ego is no longer on display because a more self-effacing, even-handed approach is needed now. However, I tend to think this is a rather positive placement. Virgo brings out a more disciplined, skillful and focused side of Mars. Yes, there is still room for physical action, but the accent is on using force precisely and intelligently rather than just flailing around. It's the difference between a boxer and a martial arts master -- skill and timing replace brute strength. It's a good time to narrow your focus and concentrate on a few important goals; use your mind as well as your muscles. Devote yourself to an ideal instead of just showing off -- stand for something! Again, this isn't a very glamorous role, but it does get things done. Mars moves into Libra on November 3.

The new moon on the 27th is the strongest energy all month. Once more, there is a preponderance of air planets (9 of them) in a Grand Trine. It's a good month coming up for mental stimulation and intellectual exchange, though the emotional component takes a back seat again. It's a time to dream big and make plans that you normally wouldn't entertain, if only because so many beneficial planets are standing behind you. Neptune is giving some help and insight as to how to pull things off by relying on forces that normally lie in the background. With Mars forming a T-Square one more time with Jupiter-Pluto-Chiron, actions speak louder than words. It's easy to assert yourself and successfully get things done -- just be careful not to antagonize too many people in the process. Remember that the path with heart is more likely to succeed than one of raw power -- working with others beats trying to go it alone. Be mindful of how you influence others with your actions and words, as all that air requires you to pay attention to the "social" dimension of the situation. So kick off the coming month on a positive note and get to work -- it's hard to find energies this helpful!

Jupiter is also standing still on the 29th, at 11Gm14. He backs up until January 25th, when he resumes normal motion at 1Gm01. SInce Jupiter represents the support we receive from the world at large, these retrograde cycles are often a time when such support dries up. This is especially a problem if you are in business for yourself, since your clients and customers are going through their own money issues and are less likely to spend their money on your services. It can also mean a time of unexpected expenses, when you need to spend money that you don't really have. It's a good idea to cut back on frivolous matters and concentrate on your core needs and goals so you don't overextend yourself and push yourself into a financial hole. In the end, this puts you in a much stronger position to expand again later. Notice the entire retrograde zone here (11Gm14 back to 1Gm01) is in Gemini, a mental sign. Jupiter in Gemini is often a time to play with ideas, explore new points of view, communicate and make contact with others to expand your horizons. It produces an enthusiasm for ideas and mental sharing, though this urge is somewhat indiscriminate, favoring breadth over depth. Perhaps it's time to focus more on the big picture and the important details, instead of casting your mental net far and wide. Look for ideas of substance, instead of passing fads and empty stimulation. Seek out the people that can assist you in your long-term goals. You need to be building for the future now, the future you truly want.