Current Transits for February 2000

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse at 16Aq02, 2-5
Ceres Retrograde Station at 8Li35, 2-5
Jupiter quintile Uranus, 2-7
Mars enters Aries, 2-11
Jupiter enters Taurus, 2-14
Vesta enters Capricorn, 2-18
Pallas reenters Cancer, 2-19
Full Moon at 0Vi20, 2-19
Mercury Retrograde Station at 17Pi11, 2-21
Jupiter trioctile Chiron, 2-21
Juno enters Aquarius, 2-29

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

General Outlook for the Month

At first glance, using only the "traditional" planets and aspects, February looks like a low-key month. Appearances are deceiving. When you throw in the asteroids and such, the picture becomes quite busy. Further, checking out the waveforms for the month, it seems we spend most of the month in one kind of storm or another. It may be difficult to figure out what's happening and why it takes so much of our time and attention to handle the situation, but I suspect we will be busier than expected. There are a large number of shifts -- some big, some subtle -- going on. I don't think any one of them would be critical by itself, but the combined effect of them will trigger significant changes in the near future. Especially, look out for the solar eclipse on the 5th (conjunct Uranus!) and Jupiter's passage into Taurus on the 14th. Start figuring out which areas of your life are in need of a housecleaning and how to cooperate with the process. It may require some hard work at times, so hang in there.

If you include the asteroids and Chiron, February has a full billing of events to consider. There are 5 important sign changes, including Mars and Jupiter, 2 big aspects, and a pair of retrograde stations to talk about. And don't forget the new moon is a partial solar eclipse, the matching bookend to January's spectacular total lunar eclipse (on 1-20). These two eclipses cast a long shadow across most of 2000 and reinforce the changes already underway due to the eclipses last summer on Jul 28and Aug 11 (these 4 eclipses are closely interconnected). Many of these shifts, especially the sign changes for the asteroids, may feel subtle and insignificant, but the overall energy at the end of the month should be quite different from where we began.

The most striking thing about this chart is how close the eclipse is to Uranus. Given that Aquarius is Uranus' home turf anyway, this gives this energy a stressful, electric, zitsy feel to it that is unmistakable. In fact, people were already noticing it towards the end of January, when it still had a lot of time to grow in strength. If you're being stressed to the breaking point or feel like falling over in exhaustion, you're tuned into this influence. So first of all, pace yourself and don't get (too) over-extended. This is a fast paced time and you don't want to burn out. Also, be open to surprises. If things don't go exactly as you planned, don't get concerned right away. Many times, the disruptions are better than the original idea and you can miss out on a valuable change of direction. There are a large number of transformational planets around 15 degrees, so situations are being set in motion that will bring about a huge inner growth spurt for us during the rest of 2000. In particular, start looking to close relationships for mutual support during this time.

Several hours after the solar eclipse on the 5th, Ceres stands still at 8Li35 and prepares to go into reverse gear until May 7th (at 25Vi25). Ceres is the Great Mother, the symbol of nurturance and caring, our connections with the Web of Life. As she stands still, we are creating the situations that will teach us new levels of connectedness with partners and friends. Good partnerships are based on freely giving and receiving so all benefit. Perhaps the balance of giving and receiving is out of whack somewhere. Maybe there are strings attached. It will take us most of the first half of 2000 to sort this all out, as Ceres crisscrosses the Virgo-Libra border. When she backs up into Virgo again on Mar 31st, you can expect some very practical concerns to crop up.

Jupiter is quintile Uranus on the 7th. This is the last of 3 of these quirky aspects, which began last Jun 19th. This lively contact has been stirring things up for us the last 8 months, mostly on a mental level of sorts. Uranus loves nothing more than to lob a few hand grenades when things get stale, and this connection has given him the chance to shake things up. Jupiter prefers a more conventional approach, but he enjoys new ideas and vistas, and his natural enthusiasm lets him go along with Uranus' flights of imagination, even when they don't always make sense. As for the quintile, this aspect doesn't so much solve the problem areas we experience, as change the landscape so much the problems become irrelevant. All told, a good recipe for revamping some ideas and points of view that have needed a breath of fresh air for a long time. We're nearing the end of this process -- it's time to reap the "ah-ha!"s and take on life from a whole new perspective.

On the 11th, Mars moves from Pisces into Aries -- what a relief! Pisces really pours the cold water on our Warrior God, so he appreciates being on his own turf again. Aries brings out the best -- or at least the most brazen -- of Mars' traits. It stimulates the will-power and ambition, while providing the physical stamina and perseverance to get any job done. If you've got plans you want to put into action, now's the time. It's easy to feel like nothing can stop you and that's often 90% of the chore. Put this energy to work! Unfortunately, if you don't have any useful tasks for all this drive, it can come out as beligerance or a short temper. Mars without a purpose is often just a bully. Give him something useful to do. You'll be surprised at the results. Mars goes into Taurus on Mar 22nd.

Jupiter slips from Aries into Taurus on the 14th. This is actually a repeat performance, since Jupiter's recent retrograde cycle brought him back and forth across this border before (starting 99-6-28). Jupiter's expansiveness is being turned to the physical plane. We are being urged to take an interest in tangible, material resources and pleasures, anything that can make life more comfortable and pleasureable. Connections made in the coming year generally make life more enjoyable all around. A feeling of satisfaction is the clue you're on the right path now. The downside of this placement is a tendency towards laziness or unproductive self-indulgence ("Everything to excess!" is a lower Jupiter rule). While it may be tempting to kick back and let someone else do the work, it's better to lay the foundations for producing your own resources in abundance rather than relying on someone else (who may split eventually). It's time to establish a good "base camp" for your life. Jupiter moves into Gemini on Jun 30th.

Vesta shifts from Sag into Capricorn on the 18th, where it will stay until May 16th. There's an earthy quality about both Vesta and Capricorn that makes me think they'll get along together well. You may feel the need to withdraw from other pursuits to get some practical matters in order. It's important to have adequate resources easily available if you're going to pursue an independent course in life. It's also crucial to discover a sense of your own power and authority in the world, the ability to stand out and be recognized without having to "toot your own horn" all the time. Vesta works from the inside out -- what you can imagine and cherish in your deepest soul is what you will ultimately create. Sort out what is really important for you...

In the middle of her retrograde cycle, Pallas backs up from Leo into Cancer on the 19th for a brief stay (until Mar 25th). This one month interlude interrupts her 9 month passage through Leo. Leo tends to bring out the artistic, self-expressive side of Pallas, a side of us that is frequently stunted or ignored. During this retrograde period, we've needed to look at the issue of creativity closer, since it is a true measure of a person's individuality. We're at a turning point in this reevaluation process, a time to discover how you really feel about expressing the inner you, whether it's worth the emotional risks, or if you feel safer blending into the crowd. It may feel a little lonely following your Muse (Sun, Vesta and Pallas are currently forming a Yod ) -- only you can find what makes you comfortable.

The 1 degree planets contain a large number of feminine bodies. One of the patterns in this group is a T-square, a symptom of unresolved stresses and conflicts. Frequently, when we are engaged in much outward activity, the inner world will suddenly rise up and demand attention. There's a conflict of thinking and feeling in this chart, of not knowing what truly is good for us and what simply sounds good. In the face of busy-ness and a whirlwind of running around, there's not much time to sort out what's happening or consult your gut-level feelings. You may be joining in with some important group effort without knowing if you really want to be doing it. If you feel the urge to withdraw or go within awhile, by all means take the time! The long-term changes we're experiencing now are best encountered consciously and deliberately instead of simply acted out without any awareness. Follow your instincts -- they are a more certain guide than the thinking mind these days.

Mercury stands still on the 21st at 17Pi11, about to go into reverse gear until Mar 14th, when it stops again at 2Pi47. It's the "Dreaded Mercury Retrograde" time once more -- back up your hard-drive and put your brain cells in moth balls! It's not really that bad -- most of the time -- but you should keep in mind during the coming weeks that your thinking mind is not working anywhere near 100%. Lapses of judgment, bungled communications, stupid mistakes are bound to occur. It's not so much of a problem on the "small potatos" kind of project, but it could be a real issue if you mess up something big. It's interesting that this station is closely aspecting , Jupiter and Uranus. In fact, Mercury's station is a close square to the upcoming Chiron station (17Sa14) on Mar 27th. I suspect some of the confusion we're experiencing now is simply new ideas and perspectives coming in that have no place in our old points of view. The rest is simple human stupidity. Take things slowly and keep your sense of humor.

Later on the 21st, Jupiter is trioctile Chiron. This is the last of 5 such contacts, going way back to 98-6-29, so we're closing a long cycle here. It's a fascinating facet of human behavior than even good situations can be a cause of fear or concern to many people. Few of us have touched these irrational, hurt-too-often parts of ourselves, let alone come to terms with them. As a rule, most of us have ways of stepping on our own toes when faced with abundance or reward, blocking our own efforts to succeed and get ahead. Whether it's issues of self-worth or a feeling that life is hard or the world uncaring, we all have self-defeating games we play on ourselves. Hopefully, the last 20 months have made you aware of your games and fears -- now is the time to make the resolve to move beyond them. It's time to move on.

Finally, on the 29th, Juno moves into Aquarius for an extended stay. Because of an upcoming retrograde cycle, Juno remains in this sign until Dec 17th! Obviously, we are supposed to pay attention to this placement. A good phrase for this placement is "enlightened partnership" -- stepping beyond normal expectations of how relationships should be and allowing healthier forms to emerge. I'm certain you all have ideas about how relationships could be improved, but not all of them work out so well when real, flesh-and-blood people are involved. Aquarius is known to focus on ideal conditions and ignore the realities, so make sure to allow the emotions their full say before making changes. Wonderful solutions don't always feel so good when you're on the receiving end of them. Keep in mind I'm not talking about merely tinkering with the relationship as is, making minor changes of little substance, but breaking through to a much broader understanding of what it means to be a partner, to be committed to another.